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SFA04-Suicide First Aid: Tutor Development Programme Reviews
Lorraine W, 06 Mar 2023
One of the things I found extremely useful was hearing the word reach in instead of reaching out - there is always an expectation around having the individual reach out for support but as the trainer stated its important for individuals to reach in as struggling people find it difficult to ask for help needed. Doing this shows that you care and are willing to provide them with emotional support and understanding which is equally important. Doing the SFA course also reiterated how to recognise warning signs of suicidal thoughts and behaviours and how to respond to those signs using supportive and helpful language which is key when supporting someone with suicidal thoughts because it can help the person feel more connected and less isolated.
Stephen A, 06 Mar 2023
This 'SFA Lite' course is brilliant. As somebody already in the sector where mental health and suicide intervention discussions are prevalent, I found that it was good to compare our practice to what is solid, accredited practice. Lots of practical applications of the knowledge through discussion and activities, brilliantly facilitated by a passionate, enthusiastic tutor. I would recommend this to anybody who would like to know more about practical steps that can be taken in suicide intervention / prevention and also how to change mindsets, assumptions and embedded stigmas within our environments.
Mark G, 06 Mar 2023
really loved the training and i'm looking forward to applying these ideas in my work and home life
Olivia E, 10 Feb 2023
I really enjoyed this training and have learnt so much. I'm really looking forward to teaching the SFA courses in the future and am very grateful for the opportunity to do so.
Olivia E, 10 Feb 2023
I've really enjoyed this course, although it's a lot of learning in a short amount of time I've felt supported and encouraged each day.
Louise B, 08 Feb 2023
Very good interactive course with an engaging tutor
Deborah S, 24 Nov 2022
Brilliant experience and thanks so much to Alison
Deborah S, 23 Nov 2022
Informative, engaging and lively course.