Tom W, 04 May 2017
ian m, 03 Nov 2016
The trainer was pleasant the content covered some of the basics of project management, however I was hoping for more detail on dealing with project management issues and problems and how to resolve them. The course really focussed on the introductory aspects of project management. Perhaps if the course had lasted two days then these would have been covered. As a result I left the course feeling a little short changed although I had picked up a couple of new project planning techniques. I think my company have grounds for a partial refund given the course was cut by one day.Response : We are sorry to hear your disappointment in this course and we have been in touch with you directly in relation to this. Perhaps the course was not what you were looking for as, after speaking with Peter, it sounds very much like you already have considerable project management experience and Peter covered all the course material we state in the outline. Granted this was reduced to a one day course with there being only two delegates. I hope you understand our position that we run these courses with smaller numbers to satisfy the need and that we too would also much prefer there were more people attending. Thank you for the feedback, we recognise that ocassionally there will be an off day, but am sure you can see from our ratings this is not often the case.