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Media Skills - In person Reviews
Wain E, 12 Oct 2023
It was a session with an experienced and very helpful journalist providing us with tips on how to get across what we wanted to say and how to avoid falling into traps. Useful advice on appearance and what journalists are looking for. Involved being interviewed for radio and on camera for television, with feedback on the result and what was good and what we could have done differently. We also did a telephone interview with a print journalist which was then written up as an actual article, very good experience.
Hayley S, 09 Oct 2023
Useful, powerful , engaging, expert
Richard B, 09 Oct 2023
It teaches you all about how to deliver meaningful and impactfull simple messages to capture the audience and have your message land well.
Tom T, 09 Oct 2023
Engaging and interesting course
Lisa C, 05 Oct 2023
A really brilliant way to get the training you need to be confident in doing radio and broadcast interviews, delivering sound bites to camera, and getting your message across to print journalists.
Martin R, 05 Oct 2023
Excellent learning points from experienced tutors. Challenging but safe & supportive environment.
Claire R, 03 Oct 2023
Given me confidence to try doing media interviews which I would never have done before
Chris D, 28 Sep 2023
Very helpful and worthwhile
Neil R, 27 Sep 2023
Great, just not long enough
Ian S, 26 Sep 2023
Really enjoyable and interactive training day. Lots to think about and some really useful tips and suggestions. Thank you!