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Institute of Counselling Reviews

Jana D, 18 May 2018

links up to date incorrect information - f.e. Case Study 9 referring to attack in New York, but with date 9th September - correct is 11th September the recommended literature is pretty old, I believe that there are better nowadays no references for webpage or articles for current role models in coaching area

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Natalie S, 14 May 2018

I really enjoyed undertaking the course and it certainly provided a great opportunity to reflect and develop my practice. The only thing I would say, which is in respect to my preferred way of learning, is that I would have liked the opportunity to have attended a workshop or been able to take part in online discussions on some of the areas, as I find discussion helps me with processing information. Whereas my learning was done exclusively by myself.

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Katharine C, 09 May 2018

Very good and easy to understand

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kim p, 09 May 2018

great information and links to more to read watch etc.

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daniel b, 08 May 2018

nice content; loved the focus on empathy

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[ Inappropriate review ]

daniel b, 08 May 2018

nice content; loved the focus on empathy

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Ellen R, 02 May 2018

Given the level of the course, a good overview of the topics covered. Case studies mirrored real life situations. Good practice for the real world.

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Fiona R, 01 May 2018

Informative, clearly written with logical progression

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Mary M, 01 May 2018

1. Chapter contents to the point as summarised at the beginning with intended goals from each topic 2. Case studies and ‘To-Do’ segments provided exercise and practice 3. Material was not only educational but also provided reflection and personal development 4. Well illustrated and categorised. 5. Easy to use and cross reference between lessons 1-2 to 9-10 6. Interesting content with good emphasis in an appropriate manner.

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Aphrodite P, 30 Apr 2018

The material was understandable and helpfull.The bibliography was helpfull and the information given was enough.

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