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Happy Reviews
Wesam T, 08 Jul 2020
I loved how interactive the session was and that the trainer asked us our objectives before starting the session.
Amrita C, 08 Jul 2020
The pace was a little bit slow at times
Maria F, 08 Jul 2020
The facilitator went a bit fast sometimes, but overall she was nice and the course was really useful.
Zoe S, 08 Jul 2020
I really enjoyed the nature of the course, there was plenty of opportunities to ask questions and things were explained and demonstrated very nicely.
Zoe S, 08 Jul 2020
I enjoyed that we were able to share our screens and I liked how interactive the session was. It was good to have the opportunity to ask questions throughout.
Kahra W, 08 Jul 2020
Really good training and interactive for online, I've already had the line manager training, so this covers a lot of similar ground, which is fine, but hoping the next couple of sessions diversify a bit more from that into more leadership.
vicky m, 08 Jul 2020
I really enjoyed the am session but not sure that I will use all of the PM session as they would not work for me.
Maria F, 08 Jul 2020
The facilitator was nice and answered all of my questions. Some problems with audio though, but nothing too serious.
Maria F, 08 Jul 2020
It was a very useful course, with examples and the possibility to practice as we went.
Tim T, 07 Jul 2020
Cathy was an exceptional facilitator. Cathy made sure to engage with every person at the event and ensure that their voice was heard. Cathy was very conscious of different peoples personalities and learning styles, and this meant that the event was brilliant for everyone, not just a small group of people. The event was carried out over Zoom and I was extremely impressed with the amount of interactivity that was baked into the session.