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Happy Reviews
James C, 19 Nov 2020
A great selection of material and insights, combined with the rich experience of the facilitator and his ability to bring out the diverse experience and learning of the participants, made the course a really well-presented and coherent programme. It was both enjoyable and stretching. The facilitator's ease with ZOOM and the other virtual platforms made it very productive despite the possible drawbacks of doing things like this virtually. Thank you
Ben D, 19 Nov 2020
Interesting course, not 100% sure Power BI is the tool we need to meet our reporting needs
rachel s, 19 Nov 2020
Fantastic structure for zoom and learning.
James R, 19 Nov 2020
A good, brief, course, which should hopefully help in the future
Kensy J, 19 Nov 2020
Very practical and hands-on. I liked that it focused on participants' experiences and concrete situations. Very useful for people from a variety of sectors and organisations. Within my own sector (Church) and organisation, however, I think the needs of first-time managers can be somewhat different. But perhaps we need to think about a more customised course.
William M, 18 Nov 2020
I already used these in my course of work. What i would really like to learn is Power BI and be able to use web queries
Josephine H, 18 Nov 2020
I just wish we had more time. I think 1h30 for lunch is too long.
Rachael B, 18 Nov 2020
fab timing despite all being virtual!