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Global Edge Reviews

Chloe F, 03 Oct 2023

Really enjoyed it, meeting other managers on the course that I wouldn't normally work with.

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Nadine B, 01 Sep 2023

Really valuable skills shared that can be easily applied in a workplace setting. I enjoyed the mix of learning opportunities and breakout sessions were challenging, but a good challenge. I feel like I have taken away some easily applicable skills for the work environment that will hopefully benefit myself and my team.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Greg M, 04 Aug 2023

An enjoyable and interesting session again which opened my mind to a new way of communicating. Overall the session went very well but I felt we ran out of time at the end, with a few questions left unanswered. The session focused on positive feedback but I'd like to know how to give constructive feedback - is there a different style to provide this for example? Also, the Review style is 50/50 so I would like to explore what happens when the feedback receiver doesn't give much feedback to the feedback giver are there any tips on how to approach this?

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Maisie W, 03 Aug 2023

Really interesting, as stated because I am going to be on maternity leave and want to ensure the team stay motivated etc this has been really helpful.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Nadine B, 03 Aug 2023

I found this session about review style especially interesting, as it gave participants the chance to offer a live review to each other. This helped to give an idea of a real-life interaction with a colleague. I also found it useful that this style was explained as being best for when addressing short term changes and should be used as a motivational tool.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Greg M, 31 Jul 2023

Thursday's session was probably the one I felt most comfortable with and most suited to my requirements. I manage several junior staff and my role is to bring out the best of them. There have been times in the past when I have felt I haven't been doing that but I feel the methods identified in the Coach session will help me implement that.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Nadine B, 27 Jul 2023

Enjoyed today's session looking at coaching style - it was really useful to learn about ways to use open questions in a managerial sense, rather than in the journalistic way I am used to! The TED cheat was also really helpful and I will definitely work on putting this into practice.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Greg M, 24 Jul 2023

I thought overall the session was fine and gave course participants ample time to comment and participate in the session. I thought the session ended abruptly however, with more to be explored on the style of how to deliver your message and non-verbal communication such as hand movements and eyebrows for example.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Michelle W, 19 Jul 2023

I personally thought the content was very clear and concise, however I did feel some others on the course were struggling to understand. The course is quite theoretical, and I don't think some people think that maybe just taking a little more time to break things down in a simplified manner may help!

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Nadine B, 13 Jul 2023

This session really got you thinking, which was great! Quite hard to all share real-world experiences as our roles are so different, but very engaging content and good questions asked by the facilitator.

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[ Inappropriate review ]