Felipe B, 29 Feb 2020
There are different levels of intermediate alumni. So I felt that for half of the course I was not learning anything new. Only when we got to pivot tables that something new came up to me
Belinda L, 28 Feb 2020
I learned a lot about VBA and how to tackle macros.
Jisoo K, 27 Feb 2020
Kevin was so friendly, helpful, so so smart at explaining each step for both complete beginners to intermediate level (which must be hard!). The materials provided were useful as we could do save our own copies and do the homework
Ben R, 25 Feb 2020
I felt like a whole day was too long. Half a day or even a few hours would have been more effective.
andy l, 21 Feb 2020
Very good and trainer was reactive to needs
Robert F, 21 Feb 2020
A clear and concise approach and very well presented.
N J, 21 Feb 2020
I only joined for part of the course but it was lead well and used plenty of interactive examples.
Herve N, 21 Feb 2020
overall it went well i managed to learn a few things.