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TMD Friction Reviews
vaughan v, 14 Apr 2020
I had heard of Brand maker but never used it . This I am sure will be a very useful tool to help improve sales by utilising the information that is available .
s W, 14 Apr 2020
Brand maker; we need to understand how best to use this asset with our customers
Hartmut K, 08 Apr 2020
Sehr gut. Kurz, knackig und auf den Punkt!
Norbert N, 08 Apr 2020
Gut vorgetragene sehr tiefgreifende Schulung. Technische Inhalte auch für Nichttechniker verständlich erklärt.
Nick N, 08 Apr 2020
This was without doubt the most important training session It has filled a very large knowledge gap for me and given me new information to talk to customers about. Most of the information I had seen on a factory tour but not in as much detail. I did not retain the information. So this course was a great to remind me of the importance of secondary measures.
vaughan l, 08 Apr 2020
very informative , on how many types of component parts and engineering decisions in chamfering for eg go into making a pad work at its optimum best .
Jonas N, 08 Apr 2020
Extremely interesting and I wished to get more of those Trainings, though it could go a Little more into Detail.
Grosu S, 08 Apr 2020
In some moments the trainer speak to fast.
Ping H, 07 Apr 2020
Very good training about the whole product porforlio