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Supervisory Management Skills Reviews

Showing 5 star reviews : View all 12 reviews

Roly B, 29 Sep 2023

Gina was the best tutor I've had and I've done alot of courses. You can't bottle what Gina has it's just natural

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Eoin W, 29 Sep 2023

Gina is such a lovely woman. I couldn’t thank her enough for the course and how well she explained and thought us. She didn’t rush through any task or subject. Personally I find most courses boring but I really enjoyed this course all thanks to Gina.

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Lina F, 22 Aug 2023

The course was very well presented and the team work with open discussions it made different experience and opened my eyes were I could improve my skills and communication.

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Malgorzata M, 17 Aug 2023

Hello, I would like to thank Gina very much for her passion and professionalism as well as humor during training :-) He is really a very good (!!!) example for people who deal with a similar profession. Thanks again Gina and all your Team for a very productive time spent together:-) Have a wonderful evening! Kind Regards, Malgorzata Mlynczyk(Gosia)

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vicky o, 14 Sep 2022

Excellent course felt i got lots of information .Gina &Emer were two Amazing Teachers

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Alan G, 14 Sep 2022

I really enjoy the course. At first i was skeptical as i "thought" i didn't need to be told how to do my job..but i was very wrong. i'm not saying i was doing a bad job (i wasn't) but i have learn a lot for Gina/Emer that will help me both in work and in my personal life. The two girls have a lot of experience and it was given to us nicely (not rammed down our throats) I would recommend this course for others. THANK YOU

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Rebecca H, 13 Sep 2022

Gina and Emer are brilliant at what they do. I have done a few courses with SQT, but I must say this was not at all what I expected and I learned a lot about myself, my colleagues and others around me. I will take many things that I learned from this into not only my working life, but my personal life.

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Darren D, 10 Jan 2024

Baptiste V, 09 Jan 2024

Eamonn F, 29 Sep 2023