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Statistics with Minitab (including Capability Analysis) Reviews

Showing 5 star reviews : View all 49 reviews

Natasha M, 26 Jul 2024

I found the course extremely beneficial for us. We are a small medical device company trying to establish new ways of development and thinking. I believe utilizing statistics for engineering design and development, and also process understanding and control is a brilliant way to develop as a company. Having used these methods in my previous job I wanted to show this company that there are many ways to design studies that can give you statistically viable data. Of course, I do think the training would be brilliant in a classroom setting but since we are in Australia that was not possible. Having said that, the online training went very smoothly, and I think everyone really enjoyed it and learned a lot. Thank you so much to Grainne for accommodating our time zone and working late into the night to provide the training.

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Jignesh P, 25 Jul 2024

Very well explained, excellent tools. Clear instruction and knowledgeable instructor. The course was tailored for users and covered relevant topics; I just think I need to go through a more detailed basic training.

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Nicole P, 22 Apr 2024

I really enjoyed the course. I liked how we learned about the foundations 1st and then we saw how to apply them in Minitab. It was quite easy to see where the information is used and how it applies to various scenarios.

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Kristof R, 12 Feb 2024

Overall was very pleased with the training course. Although I didnt have a very advanced knowledge of the subject of statistics, the information was transferred in a very pleasant, efficient and professional manner. I was very pleased with how the 3 day training course went.

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Stephen G, 09 Feb 2024

Thank you Grainne.

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Sinéad T, 18 Dec 2023

Very thorough and informative training.

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Nuno F, 13 Dec 2023

Great tutor and great coverage of material

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diana s, 04 Dec 2023

A very interesting and useful course which has taught me a lot about stats and its application in minitab

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Devi K, 04 Dec 2023

Very good.

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Bruno P, 05 Oct 2023

Good course, learned quite a lot regards some things,defeneatly worth doin if your work includes thease things.

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