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CeRER® - Certificate in Regulated Equity Release Reviews

R S, 28 Oct 2019


The trainer was professional and knowledgable- he was great and made the material come alive best he could. But regarding the training material support it wasn’t what I expected. There was no tax table which I needed for my exam. There was no breakdown for the calculations I.e the only one we used was tile of 72 which wasn’t in the exam. There wasn’t anywhere near enough exam papers to practise on. Overall I’m dissapointed and it’s such a shame because I expected more from simply. I asked for more practise questions and I was told there are not anymore but when I did the exam I felt like the coverage of what the FCA requirements are, IHT , sols role wasn’t enough. This course should have been 2 days one going over policy etc and the 2nd going through mock papers and rationale.
Response : Hi Randeep, Thank you for your valuable feedback and I am sorry to hear you are not fully satisfied with the course you attended. We always strive to provide our students with the best possible tuition, study materials, and environment to learn. I would like to point out that you are still within the Terms & Conditions timeframe to reattend the course free of charge under the Pass Assurance Scheme. If you would like to arrange this, please do email the student support team who will be only too happy to assist you – I would also like to thank you for your positive comments about your tutor Alan, and I hope that we can assist you further with completing your qualification.

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Gwenneth B, 25 Oct 2019


Alan is a great, plain speaking teacher. I like his teaching methods and style of teaching

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Jadie J, 25 Oct 2019


Alan was a great trainer, very engaging, inclusive and very knowledgeable. He's a credit to Simply.

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Simon W, 06 Aug 2019


I have been fortunate to have been taught by Alan on a previous occasion His delivery of the course was again superb He is knowledgeable about the subjects he teaches and has a great ability to make the important things stick A pleasure Please pass on my thanks Took the course in Birmingham on Monday Passed on Friday

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Michael H, 16 Jul 2019


Having studied CeMAP with Simply Academy, I knew I would be in safe hands to take my CeRER course with them, and I wasn't disappointed. Thanks for all your help!

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John B, 10 Jul 2019


Having used simply before for my cemap training ( which i thought was excellent and a great tutor in Peter slater ) i thought that this course fell short of standards. I didn't get the same level of understanding and came out a bit deflated to be honest. I didn't enjoy Graham hall's training methods and with total respect wouldn't be in rush to recommend him .

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steven b, 15 May 2019


all good very impressed

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David W, 15 May 2019


Alan was an amazing trainer.

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John D, 14 Feb 2019


Excellent engaging tutor who really knows his stuff; well worth the money.

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Louise D, 14 Feb 2019


Alan Downing is great, he has a massive knowledge of the mortgage process and brings the subject to life with his wealth of experience. I greatly admire his style of teaching and would recommend him to anyone considering the CeMap and CeRer courses.

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