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Financial Services Apprenticeships Reviews

Leone P, 04 Oct 2022

Margret was my tutor, she has been amazing throughout my apprenticeship and really supported me well. The learning material that I was given and the intense course the week before my exam was a huge help for me. Overall I think that it is an amazing apprenticeship and the support and learning materials you receive are amazing! Thank you so much.

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Charlie B, 23 Sep 2022

Simply Academy were extremely helpful for me as I was fresh out of school and new to the financial services industry. Their revision course helped me to pass my RO1 exam, and my apprenticeship tutor was attentive and always there to help when I was stuck with something. Simply Academy made my transition from school life to working life much smoother, and I now feel much more well rounded at my job because of this course.

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Lilly B, 02 Aug 2022

I have done my last two years apprenticeships with Simply Academy and had a really good experience with two good tutors on each apprenticeship, I originally trained with James Selley and my latest apprenticeship tutor with Margaret Bloor, both providing me with all the help I needed along the way. All round positive experience and would definitely recommend to anyone else wanting this type of training.

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Alex T, 29 Jul 2022

I was really please with my apprenticeship and especially my tutor Stephen. He was very helpful and always made sure to see if there was anything he could help with. Although the end point assessment took a little longer that I was expecting the overall process was good.

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Emilia P, 26 Jul 2022

I found that the course was overall very good and helped me gain an understanding about the industry, however I do think that some of the assignments were very repetitive and I found myself writing similar things over and over again. Maggie was brilliant throughout - she was always very supportive and helped me out as much as she could.

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Macy T, 30 Jun 2022

I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of the Level 3 Insurance Practitioner Apprenticeship. The knowledge that I have gained has been valuable and will be carried with me in my future. I am determined to work in the Insurance industry for a very long time, since this apprenticeship has introduced me. I would recommend this apprenticeship to anyone willing to embark upon a new adventure.

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Selina D, 23 Jun 2022

Simply Academy offers a lot of support that helped me to pass my apprenticeship.

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James C, 01 Jun 2022

My tutor Margaret Bloor went above and beyond to ensure I completed my course. She was my tutor for 18 months and was very helpful throughout. I appreciated her calling weekly to ask how I was getting on, and she always made it clear to me that I can contact her whenever. She had previous knowledge of the mortgage market which really helped me passed my Cemap exams. I was a big fan of the seminars provided by Simply Academy to help pass Cemap - all tutors involved in that were great. I felt the course itself was good, I had a few debates with the content such as role plays (eg, success in a role play wasn't very logical) but there was a great team behind the scenes to discuss issues like this. Simply Academy provided me with various services if I needed it, such as support if I was struggling in my role as an apprenticeship. The workload itself wasn't too difficult to manage with a job and was always marked swiftly. Massive thank you to everyone involved during my 18 months, especially Margaret who was an absolute star and will be missed!!

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Chris M, 11 May 2022

I really enjoyed the course and it greatly helped me in the learning and understanding of CeMAP. The week long CeMAP revision courses were especially fantastic and I thoroughly enjoyed both of the courses I attended. The assignments that I completed over the course of the apprenticeship were both engaging and relevant to my professional development as a mortgage adviser. Overall Simply Academy have been amazing in their handling of the apprenticeship and I would recommend them to anyone who is looking to start their career in financial services.

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Ciaran M, 09 May 2022

Throughout the apprenticeship journey I was provided with enough resources and guidance to ensure that I could learn and successfully progress. My tutor, William Beattie, was well informed of the subject matter and responded to all of my questions and requests. The content itself was challenging, informative and improved my understanding of the finance industry.

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