Jennie S, 07 Mar 2019
As the original tutor was unable to attend due to sickness, the course felt very disjointed and cobbled together as the tutor was having to work through slides which were not his. The majority of slides were skipped and were not explained fully. The day mainly consisted of us being given activities to complete before being taught the theory. This did not create a worthwhile learning experience as it felt more like self-learning rather than being taught by the tutor. One of the activities involved reviewing a policy wording but some of the wordings provided were years out of date which rendered the task irrelevant. The group were given two different wordings and asked to discuss with your partner but as one wording was years out of date, this led to confusion and most of the time spent was discussing why we had two conflicting wordings rather than gaining any knowledge out of this activity. I am not a fan of reviewing policy wordings as part of a learning experience, it seems a bit of a cop out and as policy wordings can vary significantly I don't feel that you can gain much useful knowledge from this activity. The course content seemed to jump around a lot, and it didn't feel like we finished a topic before moving on to the next. I have a few large contractor clients and was looking forward to developing my knowledge in this area but the course did not fulfil this. Overall a very disappointing experience.
Lucinda B, 28 Feb 2019