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Influencing and Communication Reviews
Joshua H, 08 Dec 2021
I think this course was really well thought out and presented. The content was a nice mix of refresher material from what i've done before and new ideas. I think the Zoom although never as good as face to face was managed extremely well by Simon. Furthermore, the digitalized content work well both in terms of work book, DISC and presentation.
Chris H, 01 May 2019
Interesting and insightful course really enjoyed the game pace and different styles of learning
tony j, 01 May 2019
Excellent venue, very engaging trainer.
Alex C, 01 May 2019
A very enjoyable course and was not the dynamic I was expecting. Thought the group would be much larger and full of role play exercises. Bushiest is an excellent and engaging trainer that made me feel confident and inspired by the material