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Illustrator 201 Green Belt Reviews

Showing 3 star reviews : View all 55 reviews

Daniel H, 15 Feb 2019


Caroline D, 22 Apr 2018


I was a virtual student 2 days out of the 3 day course. The virtual technology was not good. There was always a time lag on the occasions when I needed to speak remotely to the instructor via 'GoToMy Training' which made conversations very tricky. But the most annoying part was so many times my computer which was logged on using GoToMyPc to use the programme froze more times than I could count. This also meant that the instructor could not see me carrying out the task therefore my learning was not properly monitored and I did not get the feedback I needed. So it was incredibly frustrating as I wasted so much time looking at a frozen screen. Day 3 in the class room was absolutely fine, no problems at all.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Luke F, 23 Mar 2018

One of the key objectives is to leave you feeling confident ahead of the exam and I cant say that I do. The exam prep section seemed to create as many questions as it did provide answers and some of the content we hadn't discussed. The instructor moved through the green-belt course too quickly and at times it was really hard work to try and keep up. We spent long periods going into detail about areas that were of lesser importance to the group which reduced the amount of time available for more practical exercises. There seemed to be a reluctance to 'finish the job' and at 4.30pm on the dot every day we would finish, regardless of progress.

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[ Inappropriate review ]

Charlotte F, 23 Mar 2018

Geddy is very knowledgeable and the course covers a great deal. I think you need to have a background in Illustrator to keep up with all the activities and have additional time to practice allocated. It would be easier to follow in face to face environment too.

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[ Inappropriate review ]