Annabel K, 22 Jun 2023
The course instructor was highly attentive and very knowledgeable. The content to work through was very informative and built up in difficulty level at an appropriate pace. The slides by themselves were not always that useful and were more conversational than informative references.
Lauren R, 08 Mar 2023
In some areas of training I think that the pace was good but in others I think it went a little too fast, especially for those who are beginners. I would recommend giving more samples for the class to try and do on their own like what we did on the last example of the class.
Stephanie O, 07 Mar 2023
It was very helpful information and the instructor is fantastic. You can tell he knows the system well but I felt overwhelmed with so much going on on the screen and all of it happening so quickly.
Victor A, 07 Mar 2023
Using more repetition of examples and pausing more often between new info. shared.
Liza A, 07 Mar 2023