Stress awareness


Stress is a common experience in modern day working life, especially in nursing and health and care sector occupations. How much do you know about stress and how it affects your body, your diet, your memory and your behaviour?

Our course for nurses, care staff and managers is designed to introduce you to stress in its different forms and how it can affect you and your health.

Target audience: This course is aimed at health and social care staff as well as managers of services.

What you will learn

By the end of this course you will have an understanding of:

What stress is
Symptoms and signs of stress
Your vulnerability to stress
Adaptive and maladaptive coping methods
How to use progressive muscle relaxation and mindful breathing

Further information

CB Training by Supportive Solutions
CB Training by Supportive Solutions

Contact Information

CB Training by Supportive Solutions

4 Redheughs Rigg Westpoint
EH12 9DQ

