An introduction to the topic of mental health, which raises awareness of mental health issues and who they impact, their symptoms and effects and how to both identify and minimise them.
This workshop explores different mental health conditions and their origin, namely 'stress', exploring what stress is, what creates it and how it impacts the brain and the body, as well as simple things we can do ourselves to proactively minimise the possibility of stress and impact of stress, both on ourselves and those we live and work with.
It provides increased understanding of mental health and equips counsillors in particular, with the knowledge, skills, tools and confidence to better manage their own mental health wellbeing as well as help them to build individual personal resilience and to cope more effectively with the challenges that come with their public facing role.
Everyone who completes the course gets a workbook and manual which details all learning content and highlights key points to remember and actions to take so that they can refresh their knowledge and refer back at any time, enabling them to implement their new knowledge and skills immediately.
They also receive a certificate to say that they have attended the Mental Health Awareness course.
What you will learn
This half day workshop combines presentations and current statistical content with idividual and group activities and discussions, all built around modern neuroscience and equips attendees with the following:
• An understanding of mental health and the factors that can affect mental wellbeing
• The ability to identify the triggers and spot the signs of common mental health issues
• Self-awareness and insight into your own mental health status and challenges
• The knowledge and skills to better manage your own mental wellbeing