This programme aims to facilitate an appreciation of the complex range of symptoms that a person can experience when stressed whilst also examining the reasons why people experience and deal with stress differently. It will then enable the learners to recognise and manage their stress through a range of validated techniques that build resilience and improve coping. The programme will also support the development of a range of knowledge skills that will allow learners to offer aid in critical incidents and then facilitate the debriefing of those who may be stressed from involvement with traumatic events.
What you will learn
This programme includes content on understanding stress and an individual's response to stressful situations, coping with stress, stress at work, emotional intelligence, mindfulness, stress debriefing, communication skills, therapeutic group work skills, the role of the cognitive triad and negative thinking, psychological first aid and effective reporting.
By the end of the programme, learners will be able to:
- Define stress
- Explain the difference between distress and stress
- List the symptoms that may result from stress
- Assess own vulnerability to stress
- Describe positive coping methods for dealing with stress
- Describe the relaxation techniques of controlled breathing, progressive muscle
- relaxation and guided imagery
- Describe the factors that can produce stress at work
- Assess own work-related stress
- Assess own emotional intelligence
- Explain the three basic action principles of Psychological First Aid
- Discuss what is meant by crisis
- Explain the key aspects of effective communication
- Describe the art of active listening
- Discuss the use of open and closed questions
- Explore the concept of therapeutic group work
- Describe the dynamics of running therapeutic groups
- Explain the key skills of group facilitation
- Describe the 7 phases of Mitchell's Critical Incident Stress Debrief
Explain Beck's cognitive triad and negative thinking
Facilitate a group using the 7 phases of Critical Incident Stress Debrief