Essential training for pharmacists, nurses and other health care professionals involved in immunisation. Suitable for those new to vaccination as well as those requiring an update.
This accredited workshop will enable you to develop the theoretical and practical skills required to vaccinate both adults and children against influenza (the ‘flu), as well as travel diseases and other illnesses.
You will also be trained to recognise and manage anaphylaxis and how to perform basic life support.
What you will learn
- Understand the professional and legal issues relating to vaccination programmes
- Understand issues surrounding consent and restraint when vaccinating children
- Understand the importance of proper vaccine storage and handling
- Understand how vaccines work and how they can prevent disease
- Identify vaccine-preventable diseases
- Understand how to prepare for immunisation and support patients
- Identify an appropriate anatomical site for vaccination in adults and children
- Safely perform a vaccination following a period of supervised practice and assessment of competency
- Identify complications associated with vaccination
- Understand the physiology and triggers of anaphylaxis, and management
- Identify the early signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis and how to manage this emergency condition (using auto injectors as well as ‘adrenaline packs’)
- Understand how to perform adult and / or paediatric basic life support in accordance with UK Resuscitation Council Guidelines