Managing any type of enterprise means mastering your data. Frequently, however, turning that data into useful information and then sharing that with the managers who need it can take much more time than it should.
In this faster-paced intensive one-day course, you will discover how to use Excel’s powerful Pivot Table and Pivot Chart tools to summarise and display useful and relevant information to help your decision makers use all of this data.
Using your knowledge of Excel’s Pivot Table and Pivot Chart tools, you will be able to turn large data sets into meaningful dashboards and reports confidently and efficiently.
What you will learn
In this intensive course, you will learn how to condense, summarise, group and display large amounts of data. Using Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts to create dashboards that more effectively communicate the “story” behind your data.
In particular, you will be able to:
- Manipulate your Pivot Table, such as rearranging the layout, adding and removing fields, grouping data
- Change the look of your Pivot Table, display subtotals, add or remove Pivot Table elements
- Use a range name to make updating your data easier
- Change the way data is summarised and displayed, calculate new data within the Pivot Table
- Use the GETPIVOTDATA function to create summary data from large Pivot Tables
- Create Pivot Charts
- Arrange your Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts into a user-friendly dashboard
- Add interactive tools such as slicers and timelines