• Objective: Equip parIcipants with actionable strategies to set and achieve meaningful goals, build resilience, and
enhance their professional presence to thrive in the competitive world of financial sales.
• Duration: 90 Minutes (45 minutes of engaging, content-rich presentaIon, 30 minutes of hands-on practical
exercises, 15 minutes for Q&A and discussion). Format: In-person
Class Content: Seizing upon opportunity, and Achieving Goals
What you will learn
The Mindset
• IntrospecIon & Success VisualizaIon: Explore the connection between personal attributes and professional
fulfillment. Understand how purpose, core values, and a clear vision can provide a solid foundaIon for goal setting. Participants
will learn techniques to envision their future success with clarity and intention.
• The Power of Positivity: Discover how to plant seeds of growth through positive self-talk, visualizaIon, and breaking
free from unproductive mental loops.
• Dealing with Insecurities: Build confidence and find your unique voice as a sales professional. Learn to embrace
and overcome the fear of failure, criticism, and rejection, turning perceived obstacles into opportuniIes for growth.
• Persistence and Resilience: Develop a winning mindset by understanding the keys to overcoming adversity and
staying moIvated, even when faced with challenges.
• Opportunity Wears Camouflage: Master the art of recognizing and seizing disguised opportuniIes, transforming
challenges into stepping stones for success.
Necessary Tools
• Executive Presence: Make an impactful first impression. Learn how to exude professionalism through confident
body language, polished communicaIon, and a composed demeanor.
• Powerful Communication Skills: Elevate your selling skills with techniques for impromptu speaking, delivering
powerful presentaIons, and effecIvely articulating your value proposiIon.
• Time Management: Apply pracIcal tips and strategies to maximize efficiency, focus on high-value activities, and
achieve peak productivity in your daily workflow.
• RelaIonship Building & Adding Value: Build authentic, lasting connecIons by identifying and solving important
problems for clients. Learn foundaIonal interpersonal skills that foster trust and loyalty.
• Exponential Networking: Uncover advanced skills and tactics to expand your network significantly. Use the “magic
quesIon” strategy to open doors and grow valuable connecIons.
• AuthenIc YOU! Personal Branding for Success: Leverage your unique strengths and life experiences to create a
personal brand that sets you apart in the industry.
• Self-Management: Enhance your personal discipline with strategies for cultivating positive associaIons, establishing
a winning morning routine, and prioritizing fitness, nutrition, and mental wellness. Avoid behaviors that detract from your
personal and professional potenIal.
This class is designed to blend insighgul teaching with actionable exercises, ensuring every parIcipant walks away with the tools
and confidence to set ambiIous goals and achieve them. By the end of the session, Northwestern Mutual agents will be
equipped with strategies to sharpen their focus, strengthen their resilience, and unlock their potenIal for sustained success in