Mindfulness – 2 day CPD


This CPD enables you to provide clients with a deeper understanding of how the mind works in relation to their clinical issues, and deliver solutions within the framework of solution focused hypnotherapy that are grounded in the research on mindfulness and acceptance strategies.

What you will learn

The aim of this CPD is to give delegates an understanding of:

What mindfulness is in terms of how the mind works – activating the parasympathetic nervous system / changes in brain structures resulting from mindfulness meditation
How mindfulness contributes to a sense of well-being
Similarities and consistencies with clinical hypnosis in structure and function
Similarities and consistencies with solution focused brief therapy
Key elements of mindfulness approaches that help clients achieve solutions: Acceptance-based strategies/ Amplification of aspects of personal experience / Achieving pattern interruption / Encouraging experiential learning / Development of focusing skills
Research findings into the efficacy of Mindfulness and Acceptance-based approaches
Clinical application of these principles to different areas of clinical presentation, including:
Focusing attention on the present moment
Encouraging separation from emotional responses
Decreasing external vigilance
Counteracting evolutionary templates
Eating disorders
Developing internal resources to identify hunger and satiety and act appropriately
Pain Management
Reducing identification with the pain and the suffering associated with it
Allowing it to be contained as a physiological sensation
With yourself and others
Utilisation of mirror neurons
Development of compassion and empathy
Quieting the voice within
When not to use mindfulness
How to do mindfulness-based inductions and trance work
How to set homework for clients regarding practice
Outcomes for Therapists

Teaching mindfulness skills means greater opportunities to help clients gain valuable skills in relapse prevention whilst extending the life of the therapeutic process
You already have the skills – there are very few structural differences between guided mindfulness and hypnosis sessions, except that we‘re more skilled at the suggestions!
Clients are able to recommend you as a mindfulness teacher as well as a hypnotherapist
Outcomes for Clients

Clients gain insight as to why certain solutions are far more effective than others and how mindfulness skills like compassion, curiosity and presence provide lasting relief from clinical issues
Greater executive control – scientific studies demonstrate growth in the pre-frontal cortex after just 8 weeks of mindfulness practice, as well as shrinkage of the amygdalae
In the latter part of therapy, clients learn fundamental relaxation skills that they can more easily generalise to everyday life.
Outcomes for You

Learn to meditate more effectively than using an app like Headspace
Recognize and more skilfully use the power of focus to increase emotional self-regulation and self-control

Further information

CPHT Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Training
CPHT Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Training
2 Days
Abingdon, Aylesford, Belfast , Billingham, Brighton, Bristol, Cardiff, Chelmsford , Chester, Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Guildford, Hatfield, Leeds, Liverpool, London, Manchester, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Norwich, Nottingham, Peterborough , Plymouth, Preston, Sheffield, Solihull, Southampton, Stoke-On-Trent , Watford, York

Contact Information

CPHT Solution Focused Hypnotherapy Training

110 Kingway
St George

