PMVA - 3 Day Training


This 3-day course in the Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression (PMVA) has been certified by Bild ACT as fully aligned to the RRN Training Standards. 

The Health and Safety Group follow the GSA Skills model which means all our tutors are GSA-approved instructors.

How does it work?

When booking this course, candidates will be enrolled onto a short theory Elearning module, providing them with the underpinning knowledge needed prior to attending the 3-day practical course.

During the 3-day practical course, candidates will expand their knowledge of primary, secondary and tertiary strategies. They will also receive training in a variety of physical intervention skills, enabling them to make informed decisions when responding to challenging behaviour in their specific populations and settings.

After completing this premium course, candidates will receive a Bild ACT Certified training certificate enabling them to work across any facility for 3 years!

The Health & Safety Group are currently the only provider offering nationwide Bild Certified PMVA open courses suitable or accessible for agency healthcare workers to attend.

Who can attend this course?

The Health & Safety Groups’ 3-day PMVA training course has been certified by Bild ACT as suitable for the education, health, and social care sectors, providing services for:

  • Adults
  • Children
  • People with mental health conditions (Inclusive of Hearing Impairment)
  • People with learning disabilities
  • Autistic people
  • People with acquired brain injury
  • People living with dementia

When booking this course, candidates will select the correct level of training from a detailed Training Needs Analysis (TNA). We then customise the training day to meet candidate requirements, ensuring total training compliance!

What you will learn

Theory Elearning

  • Legislation, Legal Frameworks + Ethical Considerations
  • Legal Responsibilities + Reasonable Force
  • Mental Capacity + Mental Health
  • Reflective Feedback Questions

Day 1

  • Re-cap on Reflective Feedback Questions + Group Discussion
  • Challenging Behaviour, Behaviours of Concern
  • Root Causes of Distress
  • Creating a Supportive Culture
  • Health, Therapeutic Relationships + Person Centred Care
  • Populations and Locations
  • Dynamic Risk Assessments
  • Stages of the Assault Cycle
  • Situational Awareness
  • Identifying, Managing + Reflecting on Triggers
  • Listening + Communication Skills (communication models)
  • Indicators of Confrontational Behaviour

Day 2

  • Risks Associated with Restraint
  • Verbal + Non-Verbal De-escalation Techniques
  • Disengagement techniques:
  • Wrist Grabs
  • Body Grabs
  • Bites
  • Hair/Clothing Grabs + Strangulation
  • Avoiding Punches and Kicking

Instruction + practice of:
Friendly Come Along - Non-Contact and stage one, two and figure of four:

o Clenched Fist Hold
o Team Approach Techniques
o Chair De-escalation Single Upper Arm Wrap All angles
o Turning from secure Hold into rear facing position
o Separating Two Patients Fighting 2 Staff
o Role of the head Person (HP)

Day 3

Instruction + practice of: -

  • Supine Descent

o Rear team Approach Ready to descend to floor (2/3 Staff Team)
o Controlled descent backwards into Supine position
o Staff moving from Supine Descent to elevated Supine position
o Elevated Supine rest position
o From elevated rest position to straight arm

  • Seated de-escalation

o Supine De-escalation, Role of Head person
o Three C’s
o Supine Leg Hold
o Supine- Changing arm holds
o Supine Safety Pod
o XL Cushion

  • Unexpected and/or unintentional controlled decent to the floor where the aggressor dictates or initialises the downward movement (prone)

o Prone controlled decent to floor 2 staff (arms) Last Resort
o Upper rest position (URP) to Lower rest (LRP)
o Prone Controlled decent to floor Last Resort
o Disengagement at kneeling while descending towards prone (2/3 Staff)
o Last resort: Re-enforcing in Lower Rest Position Floor-de-escalation
o Prone position leg hold-leg hold trouble drill- removing leg hold
o Turning- Patients Supine to prone
o Turning patients from prone to supine

  • Seclusion Options

o Seclusion exit (leaving via head), Seclusion Exit-Rapid Exit Option
o Safety pod
o Doorway Headperson 3 Persons

Further information

The Health and Safety Group
The Health and Safety Group
3 Days
Aberdeen, Birmingham, Bournemouth, Brighton, Bristol, Bristol , Cardiff, Chelmsford, Colchester, Coventry, Croydon, Eastleigh, Edinburgh, Exeter, Glasgow, Hull, Huntingdon, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London, Luton, Manchester, Middlesbrough, Milton Keynes, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Norwich, Nottingham, Oxford, Plymouth, Portsmouth, Reading, Sevenoaks, Sheffield, Southampton, Stoke-On-Trent

Contact Information

The Health and Safety Group

Building 5, 566 Chiswick High Rd
W4 5YF

