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Luna Foundation CIC Reviews

Showing 5 star reviews : View all 250 reviews

Jo S, 20 Apr 2023

Wonderful heartfelt training. Thank you so much.

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ANDREW M, 20 Apr 2023

The workshop is well designed; interactive with regular breaks into breakout rooms for discussions.

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Jennifer W, 19 Apr 2023

Fantastic training - i will recommend the content to my team.

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Sharon O, 19 Apr 2023

very insightful and informative training, good 3 hours slot, so do able whilst at work, loved hearing Anna's shared experience, congruent and authentic.

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Vicky G, 19 Apr 2023

Anna was such a wonderful trainer, sharing so generously her lived experience of the death of her father. This lived experience certainly gave gravitas and sound reference to the session. The session was so well presented, orally and visually, and the small group made a very space to talk.

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Rita M, 31 Mar 2023


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Jessica D, 30 Mar 2023

Really good trainers, approachable and made a very sensitive subject feel as comfortable as it could be.

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Emily S, 30 Mar 2023

very insightful, would definitely recommend to colleagues

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Rosie D, 29 Mar 2023

3 hours is the perfect length in terms of being able to engage & concentrate. I felt the material shared and those who shared lived experiences were really helpful.

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Ella T, 29 Mar 2023

First training I've had with break out rooms - found them beneficial to get to know others as often not one to talk in training!

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