Rochinne B, 10 Oct 2023
Thank you so much that was one of the most useful inputs I've ever had.
Tina W, 09 Oct 2023
I would definitely recommend this course to my colleagues and look forward to hopefully doing more with you.
Jenny S, 04 Oct 2023
I found this session really interesting and helpful. It made me think about a lot of things I've not thought about before.
Adele S, 11 Sep 2023
Fantastic, I would love to attend more of your training courses. Thank you.
Amanda G, 11 Sep 2023
Valuable training on what is perceived as a ‘difficult subject’ - but that is because we don’t feel confident or competent to do the right thing. This presentation clearly communicates that ‘being human’ is the most important thing- and the ‘TALK’ mnemonic is really useful. Another think I really liked - applicable to all learning is not applying new learning in hindsight - we are good at doing this and then feeling guilty for not doing what we didn’t know!! So obvious- but actually a trap we probably lay fall into regularly! Thank you again for some valuable and really engaging training