This interactive course provides participants with an opportunity to explore business interruption insurance in more depth than the introductory course.
What you will learn
At the end of the course you will be able to:
Explain how to overcome the problems of handling this class of business
State in detail how a gross profit figure is arrived at from a set of accounts
Explain in detail the workings of the standard gross profit, revenue and fees policy covers and definitions and explain how they work in practice to enable delegates to select the most appropriate cover for their clients
Provide a detailed explanation of the difference between declaration linked and traditional (sum insured) methods of arriving at a gross profit figure and recognise the advantages and disadvantages of both
Explain in detail the main features of a business that will affect the setting of an appropriate maximum indemnity period
Detail how a simple claim is settled and the role of the loss adjuster
Recognise the main features of a risk that will influence an underwriter in their assessment of acceptability and rating
Detail what cover is available for damage occurring away from the client's premises and identify the main extensions available.