One-day Accuracy Skills


This practical virtual workshop is for people who want to improve their attention to detail and not make mistakes in their everyday
tasks. Participants are introduced to accuracy fundamentals and learn how to apply key principles for error-free working.

All human beings make mistakes. The good news is that all human beings can develop practical skills to overcome the natural barriers to accuracy. In this introduction to accuracy skills, participants learn a variety of techniques to enable them to handle information and complete tasks correctly, even when working under pressure.

‘Attention to detail’ is a key requirement in many job roles and this fun, practical workshop reveals how to manage distractions and how to work accurately with written communications. 

Capturing, checking and communicating information accurately is essential for efficient operations. Participants learn simple data accuracy techniques for handling numbers, names and addresses correctly. 

Key themes in the workshop include:

Why mistakes happen and what they cost

Mistakes occur because of the way we function as human beings – the way our eyes and brain co-ordinate and the way we react under stress can result in ‘silly’ mistakes. An error that takes a few seconds to make often has long-lasting, expensive repercussions. Participants learn about the causes of mistakes, so they can take steps to prevent them, and how to quantify the cost of error in their own organisation.

Developing an accuracy mindset

Being alert to the possibility of error and developing a sense of ‘present-mindedness’ means that mistakes are less likely to slip by unnoticed. Participants learn practical techniques and structured methodologies for checking their work and for adopting an accuracy mindset, so they get it right first time.

Managing time for accurate outcomes

People don’t think clearly when they feel stressed and overwhelmed. That’s when tasks get forgotten and things go wrong. Participants learn how to use time productively and efficiently, so they are focused on the tasks that need to take priority. ‘The Day Starts Here’ technique is an example of this.

Who’s it for?

One-day Accuracy Skills includes activities on why all human beings make mistakes, checking numerical data, addresses and words, dealing with distractions and stress, structured checking, checklist design and checking documents.

Participants’ typical job functions include:
• Administrators and Business Support
• Finance and Accounts
• Human Resources, Recruitment and L&D
• Operations
• Personal Assistants and Secretarial Support
• Sales

What you will learn

A summary of the subjects covered in each session is shown below:

Morning session

• Importance of learning from mistakes
• The cost of mistakes
• Why mistakes happen
• Dealing with distractions
• How to ‘SuperConcentrate’
• Present-mindedness.

Afternoon session

• How to check documents
• Design checklists for accuracy
• Managing time for accurate outcomes
• A mindset for accuracy
• Take an accuracy test!
• Takeaways to implement.


Further information

The Accuracy People
The Accuracy People
1 Day

Contact Information

The Accuracy People
