This virtual course aims to increase and embed knowledge of the kind of liability that managers, directors and officers may face. Made up of two 90-minute sessions the second will be a workshop style event to allow delegates to utilise what they learned in the first session by looking at case studies and problem solving to reach an outcome. Within the interactive on-line modules, we will investigate the legislation that can have an impact on businesses and step into the shoes of a manager to better understand the liabilities and issues they may face by looking in detail at both real and simulated situations.
Who should attend?
This course is intermediate level and is most suited to those who already have experience with liability insurance in the commercial environment. It will be of particular interest to those who are looking to offer a complete risk solution for their client and those who work within claims.
What you will learn
Course Objectives
At the end of the webinar delegates will be able to:
- recap on the types of businesses who need management liability insurance
- better understand the kinds of liability issues a manager, director and officer may face
- better understand how statutory liability for managers, officers and directors arises
- establish the criminal and civil legislation that affects a business manager and the court process they may face
- gain a deeper understanding of how delegates can work with their clients to protect them and their business
- demonstrate the above objectives with real and simulated case studies
Course Content
- Session 1
Employers, Public and Products Liability
To recap on the covers and exclusions of liability insurance - Tort, negligence and the actions of a reasonable person
- The legal liabilities that impact both companies and those who run businesses
- Vicarious
- Civil
- Criminal
- Strict
- Legislation relating to both liability and health and safety
- Session 2
Directors & Officers
This session will look deeper into the subject matter by bringing the concepts to life in a workshop - Recap on types of organisations that need D&O cover
- Legislation that might impact companies
- Civil
- Criminal
- What might have to be paid for?
- What is EPL cover?
- What does the Queens Council Clause do?
- Is a retroactive date needed?
- What is the discovery period?