AMT Training has a new home!
In 2021, AMT Training joined Training The Street
The new global standard in financial modeling and valuation training
We have expanded our product offering by combining our content libraries with Training The Street. You can find your training solutions for corporate, Public Courses, and self-study all in one place.
- New hires who have joined the firm late and missed the in-house program
- Individuals looking to fill a knowledge gap
- Experienced bankers looking to refresh their technical skills
- Teams employed in financial strategy roles from non-banking corporations
- Graduates preparing to interview for a role in the finance sector
- Students at business school and looking for a career in finance
What you will learn
Financial Modeling - Fundamentals Part 1
This session teaches participants how to build a three statement integrated financial model, comprising income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement. Best-practice modelling techniques are demonstrated, to ensure maximum accuracy and efficiency. Participants also learn how to stress-test the assumptions used, to check the model for mistakes and to document it. This session uses simplified teaching models as well as a real company forecast model.
Learning outcomes:
- Setting Excel up for maximum efficiency
- Best-practice keyboard shortcuts for modelling
- Key modeling formulas
- Alternative model layouts
- Structure of an integrated three statement forecast model
- Constructing the income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement
- Balancing the forecast balance sheet using cash and revolver
- Incorporating interest income and expense
- Introduction to checking methodologies
- Performing audit trails
Financial Modeling - Fundamentals Part 2
Using a real company forecast model, we start the session by reviewing the structure and key components of an integrated three statement forecast model. We then focus on modeling operating cash (required cash) and separating it from excess cash. We then teach participants how to build a forecast cash flow statement from scratch, using income statement and balance sheet inputs. The last part of this session focuses on interest calculations and circularities, where we teach participants the difference between using beginning, ending or average debt/cash balances and how to work safely and effectively with or without circular formulae in a model.
Learning outcomes:
- Review of the structure and key components of a forecast model
- Review of the modelling steps to build a three statement integrated model
- Modeling operating cash (require cash) and excess cash
- Building a forecast cash flow statement from scratch
- Links to forecast income statement and balance sheet
- The 4 rules of cash
- Calculating the balance sheet plugs (cash and revolver)
- Calculating interest on cash and debt balances
- Using beginning, ending or average balances
- What is a circular formula?
- Working with intentional circular references
- Excel settings
- How does the iterative process work?
- Building and using circularity switches
- Avoiding non-intentional circular references
Financial Modeling - Troubleshooting
This session covers a range of error-checking techniques to find and correct the most common errors found in financial models. We use a series of financial models to allow participants to practice error-checking.
Learning outcomes:
- Stabilizing a model
- Making a model map
- Sanity checking a model
- Fixing a non-balancing balance sheet
- Troubleshooting techniques for cash flow statements
- Checking the model’s matrix
- Finding unidentified hard numbers
- Using Excel’s ‘Jump tool’ to trace through formulas with ease
- Using Excel to show the formulas underlying output
- Using Excel’s auditing tool to trace formulas