Commercial Culture M2 - Presence & Credibility


Institutions need to move toward building ‘trusted advisor’ status and securing dependable relationships over a series of contact points with their clients. This begins with the delegate appreciating their own purpose and why they are here, simultaneously, taking time to connect and understand the ‘client’s agenda’ and preferences in detail before setting out on the advice journey. Delegates will develop the obligation of managing their business like it is a franchise, to lead with personal responsibility, accepting challenges and providing solutions for their clients. To achieve a sales culture where all advisers regularly challenge their clients, they warn them, they prepare them, they keep them on track to achieve their specific goals and they are happy to go on the journey together in good times and in bad.

What you will learn

Primary objectives - 

  • Delivering your personal brand and profile to your clients through a strong mindset and with subtle skills
  • Crafting consultative insight(s) for your client providing an intellectual or thoughtful piece of value add specifically for them

Further information

2 Hours

Contact Information


Hall Bank House
Amblers Lane, Shipton By Beningborough
YO30 1AN