TTMBC Duration
Half day
Group Size
Maximum 12 learners
Who should attend
All persons starting work for the first time in the temporary traffic management industry, and those persons that do not hold any NHSS 12 registration cards, intending to work in either sector scheme 12a/b, 12d or 12c environments.
NHSS 12D M1 Duration
Half day
Group Size
Maximum 12 learners
Who should attend
All persons needing to become a Moving Works Operative (MWO) as described in the sector schemes document 12d.
All learners MUST either hold a valid NHSS 12 TTMBC qualification or a valid NHSS12 qualification.
What you will learn
TTMBC Course aims
To provide learners with the necessary knowledge to assist them in becoming a competent member of a temporary traffic management team.
NHSS 12D M1 Course aims
To provide learners with the necessary underpinning technical knowledge and skill to enable them to implement the correct traffic management requirements to undertake moving works.
TTMBC Course Objectives:
On completion of the session learners will:
Be aware of the relevant codes of practice and other associated documentation when involved in traffic management
Be aware of Sector Schemes
Understand the QA process and NHSS documents
Be aware of the different types of road across the UK road network
Be aware of which roads / works are covered by which NHSS document
Be aware of the different classifications of “road users” i.e. pedestrians, horse riders, cyclists ect
Understand the different terminology used in the TTM industry in relation to different roads
Understand the process(es) required to become a qualified Operative and obtain a skills registration card, plus ongoing training to a Supervisor level
Be aware of Health and Safety requirements including risk assessments and method statements
Have an understanding of the variety of TTM equipment and the basic principles of its use
Understand what constitutes a safety zone
Be aware of the general PPE requirements
Understand crossing the carriageway HSE CIS53
Be aware of the different types of vehicles used in TTM and where they are used
Understand the environment where learners are expected to work
Be aware of the safe way to enter / exit a site
Be aware of the need to maintain sites, and what is involved
Know how to deal with accidents and emergences within the works area.
NHSS 12D M1 Course Objectives:
On completion of the session learners will:
Be aware of sector schemes
Be aware of health and safety work
Be aware of risk assessments and method statements
Be aware of the relevant codes of practice and other associated documentation when involved in traffic management
Identify the equipment required in temporary traffic management
Understand the requirements for minor works and moving works