Invariably the difference between success and failure in nearly all work competencies lies in how we manage our emotions and behaviour and how we maximise the value of our relationships, espescially in a work environment.
Researchers at the World Economic Forum concur that emotional intelligence is the most required skill for knowledge-workers and leader-managers in the workplace today and will be for the foreseeable future. At work, emotional intelligence accounts for 58% of performance in all types of jobs, yet only 36% of people can recognise and describe their emotions as they happen.
Without understanding their own emotional operating system and how to work it in their careers and work life, people are mostly relying on their current technical abilities and skill set to get by, often with substandard results that do not do justice to their true potential and innate abilities.
It is simply no longer enough just to know how to do your job, the reason why you do your job and the way you do your job is a far greater determinant of success than what job you do. Indeed, in a recent study involving more than 2 million people in the USA, people with higher levels of emotional intelligence, or EQ, earn on average $29 000 per year more than people with low levels of EQ.
In fact, EQ is a far more realistic and accurate determinant of success than IQ and the good news is that, unlike IQ, EQ can be learnt and developed over time.
Our unique Leading with Emotional Intelligence Premium course, which is based on the latest research in neauroscience, agile leadership practice and behavioural change, will provide you with the tools you need to enhance your emotional capabilities and become a more effective parent, partner and leader of yourself and of your colleagues.
Upon completion of this course you will receive a certificate from CPD Standards UK and accumulate 31.5 hours of yearly CPD points. You will also receive a sought after certificate from The Institute of Leadership & Managment in the UK as well as membership for one year.
What you will learn
Leading with Emotional Intelligence is an instructor led online course delivered to groups of no more than 12 participants to ensure your learning journey is individualised and meaningful. You will get to know your co-learners over a period of seven weeks, building relationships and a support structure that should last long after you have completed your course.
Our course delivery is designed to capitalise on the strengths and experience that each learner brings to the virtual mediated sessions, allowing for vibrant collaboration and group learning. Our sessions are carefully designed lessons using a method of teaching best described as disruptive process facilitation. You will be introduced to models of EQ thinking and leadership and then be asked specific questions to reflect on your response and understanding of them. We employ storytelling, drawing and exciting interactions to keep your attention and help you to learn in a vibrant forum of co-creation with your classmates.
Prior to attending a virtual mediated session, you will receive a short book of knowledge for that module which you will be required to read. You will also be required to complete the exercises for that module prior to attending your online session.
On this standard version of our Leading with Emotional Intelligence course you will learn how to become self-aware, learn how to manage your emotions better, develop your social intelligence and learn how to develop relationships that are valuable and mutually beneficial to your life. Yu will also learn how to lead a diverse team based on personality theory and multiple intelligences theory. Finally you will learn how to lead your team to greatness in this highly competive 4th industrial revolution world.