Exploring the science behind movement (defined as activity that is low to moderate in intensity) and exercise (defined as activity that is moderate to high in intensity), this course raises awareness of the primitive reasons behind why we need to move and exert ourselves.
It outlines the impact of both a lack of physical activity and increased physical activity on the brain and body and therefore on our wellbeing, and also provides practical ways for us to intentionally incorporate more activity into our lives in order to enhance our resilience and performance.
Everyone who completes the course gets a workbook, which details all learning content and highlights key points to remember and actions to take so that they can refresh their knowledge and refer back at any time, enabling them to implement their new knowledge and skills immediately.
They also receive a certificate to say that they have attended the course.
What you will learn
Combining presentations and current statistical content with individual reflections and activities, all built around modern neuroscience and equips attendees with the following:
- Greater understanding of the importance of physical activity and how it impacts wellbeing
- Increased self-awareness and insight into your current status and habits, when it comes to physical activity
- Enhanced knowledge and skills to enable you to improve your level of physcial actvity and in effect your mental and physical wellbeing