This topic is huge – but can be tailored to your specific needs and interests.
Choose your topic focus from the areas below:
Animal welfare science and practice: Developing, reviewing, and expanding animal care and wellbeing programs is essential to the role of modern animal care facilities. But where do you start? What should you prioritise? What do you feel confident about and what needs improving? Strengthen your understanding and get expert guidance to plan, design and implement welfare programs which support optimal animal wellbeing, giving you clarity and confidence that you are achieving excellence.
Animals as agents of their own lives: We all know that animals are living beings with their own needs, preferences and feelings. They choose what, when, where and how they want to be doing things – but we don’t always create opportunities for them to experience optimal emotional states. Explore ways of giving agency back to animals living in human care and allowing them to care for themselves independently.
24/7 across lifespan: While caregivers may only spend 8 - 9 hours a day providing direct care to the animals they work with; animals are still experiencing their lives from a 24-hour perspective. Explore the different aspects of animal wellbeing that are important 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, throughout their lifespan.
Common sense for animal wellbeing: In a world that is focused on evidence and assessment, we too often forget about common sense, compassion and care. We need another language if we are to connect with ourselves and the individual animals we care for, or about. It’s time we prioritise what’s meaningful and ask, ‘What is it really like to be you?’ to inform decisions that impact individual wellbeing.
Smiling eyes; Day to day caring for animals: When caring for animals we use many different aspects to understand their everyday wellbeing. But how do we tune in to what animals are really telling us? What is it like to be them and how can we collaborate to support their optimal wellbeing?
Back of house traditions & evolutions: Think about and review the so-called back-of-house areas, such as dens, night-houses and other areas where animals can spend a lot of time, reviewing wellbeing from a 24/7, across lifespan approach with specific attention to the areas usually hidden from public view.
What you will learn
- Apply the latest in animal welfare science with guidance and support
- Put theory into practice for the species in your care - every day
- Establish, develop or improve animal welfare programs in your facility
- Use frameworks for evaluating and reviewing welfare – beyond annual tick-box exercises
- Prioritise welfare and wellbeing despite having ‘no time’ and lots to do
- Move beyond measurements to explore what really matters to individual animals and the people who care for them
- Create opportunities for animals to be agents of their own lives and have positive experiences 24/7 so that they can thrive and not simply survive
- Support the interconnections between animal, human and planetary wellbeing for the benefit and flourishing of all
Benefits of this training:
Lead the way as a world-class organisation by prioritising optimal animal wellbeing.
Strengthen the expertise and experience of animal care teams through professional learning and development.
Improve staff satisfaction and retention, with animal care staff feeling able to give the best quality care.
Empower the teams and individuals within your organisation to achieve organisational goals, with everyone able to create positive change for animals - together.