Course Aims
This course aims to raise your awareness of epilepsy. It will cover the potential causes, symptoms and treatments of epileptic disorders. It is suitable for nurses, carers, support workers and other health and social care staff.
What you will learn
Learning Outcomes
By the end of this e-learning module, you will have an understanding of the following learning outcomes:
Understand what epilepsy is.
Understand the history of epilepsy.
Be familiar with the treatments available.
Understand what is required for an epilepsy diagnosis.
Be familiar with the types of seizures.
Understand the effects of seizures.
Be aware of SUDEP.
Be aware of the conditions associated with epilepsy.
Understand how to record a seizure.
Be familiar with protocols.
Understand how to support someone with epilepsy
Expected learning time
1 hour 30 minutes