This safeguarding adults elearning module will equip learners with the tools to be able to recognise abuse, instigate and work within safeguarding processes and to understand the Legislative and organisational frameworks that relate to their working environment.This course has been developed specifically for frontline health, social care and housing staff to increase the practitioner’s skills and knowledge of the safeguarding processes relating to vulnerable adults.
What you will learn
By the end of this e-learning module, you will have an understanding of the following learning outcomes:
Understand the context of safeguarding within the support and housing sectors
Gain an improved understanding of the key elements of the practitioner’s own organisation’s safeguarding and abuse policies in relation to adults at risk
Identified potential barriers to reporting abuse in relation to the victim, staff and others
Explored key legislation and policy relating to abuse and how these impact on your work
Examined your own roles and responsibilities in identifying and reporting potential abuse as well as the roles and responsibilities of your partner agencies
Identify key actions and timescales for responding to concerns
Further develop the practitioner’s ability to act appropriately and swiftly in safeguarding situations
Understand when and how to share information
To have explored practical examples of interventions to support you to promote the safety and well-being of clients/customers
To have a clear understanding of what constitutes ‘defensible decision making’ and how to keep yourself safe when dealing with abuse cases.
Gain a greater awareness about domestic abuse, radicalisation, modern day slavery, mental capacity act, female genital mutilation and honour based abuse (including forced marriage)