A practical course for nurses, care staff and other healthcare professionals. Designed to update your knowledge and skills in the safe and effective practice of moving and handling people.
We can also provide induction training for those new to the health and care sector. All content has been verified by Skills for Health as aligning to the UK Core Skills Training Framework.
What you will learn
Learning outcomes include:
Understand the principles of safe moving and handling.
Knowledge of legislation surrounding moving and handling.
Review postural analysis tools to assist with risk assessment.
Understand the link between moving and handling, infection control and tissue viability.
Demonstrate a proficient skills level of a key selection of moving and handling techniques relating to your own work setting including: the safe use of mechanical patient hoists and related sling application; the safe use of slide sheets and the sit to stand transfer (trainer only for webinars).
Course content includes:
The principles of safe moving and handling of people.
Legislation relating to moving and handling – Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 and Manual Handling Operations Regulations (MHOR) 1992.
Current guidance on safe practice.
‘Bad practices’.
Spinal mechanics and back care.
Risk assessment.
Safe load management.
Applying principles to lifting, lowering, pulling & pushing, carrying and supporting.