These courses aim to give nurses, health care assistants, pharmacists and other healthcare staff the background knowledge required to vaccinate patients safely in the coming ‘flu season.
Designed as a ‘flu refresher bundle, you will get access to our online Influenza and Hep B courses as well as our Immunisation refresher course (includes BLS and anaphylaxis) produced in partnership with Skills for Health.
What you will learn
The immunisation refresher is a new course which we have authored for Skills For Health. It fully aligns to the National Minimum Standards and Core Curriculum for Immunisation Training for Registered Healthcare Practitioners. It is broken into 5 modules:
Module 1: Current Issues in Immunisation and Vaccination
Module 2: Keeping Up to Date – Vaccines, Legislation and Policies
Module 3: Immunisation Schedule
Module 4: Review of Current Practice: Administering the Vaccine
Module 5: Immunisation and Vaccination Update