The main aim is to provide you with the knowledge and shared experience to ensure safety, care and comfort of patients and clients with complex care needs. We are keeping numbers low (10) to allow maximum time for interaction and questions.
Learners who are new to tracheostomy / ventilation are required to gain competency under clinical supervision within their own workplace.
You will also receive a competency framework to download and use in your clinical area.
Suitable for those requiring an update as well as those new to tracheostomy / ventilation.
For those new to these clinical skills this course must be followed by a period of supervised practice in your workplace and a competency based assessment.
Health care assistants and support workers must all have at least 6 months care experience.
All learners will receive a CPD certificate and downloadable handouts.
Target audience: community nurses, experienced health care assistants / support workers and any other health or social care staff working with adults with complex care needs in a community setting.
What you will learn
Course content includes:
- Anatomy & physiology of the respiratory system.
- Different types of tracheostomy and the major characteristics of each: cuffed, uncuffed and fenestrated.
- Care of a patient with a tracheostomy: cuff pressures, stoma care, humidification, nebulisers, suctioning, changing tapes, speaking, eating and drinking, changing a tracheostomy tube, mouth care, inner tubes.
- What to do if the tube blocks, becomes displaced or falls out.Types of tracheostomy and management.
- Overview of assisting a person who requires assistance to cough.
- Different types of oxygen therapy.
- What is non-invasive ventilation (NIV) and invasive ventilation.
- Reasons for NIV / invasive ventilation.
- Types of NIV (BiPAP / CPAP).
- Types of invasive ventilation.
- Pressure support / volume control.
- Care of a patient (pressure care / mouth care / eye care / stoma care) and equipment.
- Awareness of ‘red flags’ and recognising emergency situations.
- Infection control.
- Communication issues.
- Recording requirements.
- Regulations and policies.