Target audience
- Public service heads, managers, and those who work in some capacity with the public sector.
- Those employed within the public sector charged with the responsibility of bringing about change so that their organisation is more efficient and offers more value for money.
- Public service executives that understand the need for reform and, as a team, think through the recalibration of the state and its services that this implies.
- Those who wish to address the ethos, goals and disciplines of public service and will help to create the means of refashioning and strengthening them.
What you will learn
Upon completion of this course, you will be able to understand that:
- Regulation is not a single policy but a collection of policy objectives and policy instruments.
- The purposes of regulation can change as circumstances and priorities change.
- Not all privatisations produce the results that are expected at the time of privatisation, nor is regulation entirely successful at producing the expected benefits.