This 5-day course from BeginningwithA is for clinical professionals who are working in autism and are looking for training in both ADOS-2 and ADI-R. The course leads to full clinical accreditation in both ADOS-2 and ADI-R.
The course takes place remotely using the Moodle learning platform and Zoom conferencing, giving delegates the opportunity to train from home. The Moodle platform is easy to use and will be demonstrated at the beginning of the course. There are typically two live Zoom sessions on each day and for the remainder of the time delegates will work on assignments. This allows delegates some flexibility in planning their time. Full support is on hand each day both within, and outside of, the live sessions.
The combo course is ideal if you are looking for clinical training in both ADOS-2 and ADI-R. No prior experience with the instruments is necessary.
It will also be suitable if you have no prior experience in one of the instruments but have previously trained in the other and would value a refresher.
What you will learn
The course includes: an introduction to all the ADOS-2 and ADI-R materials, coding of all modules, ASD diagnosis and classification, ADOS v ADOS-2 algorithms, embedding ADOS-2 and ADI-R into practice.