About the course
This live on-line interactive course is designed to help delegates in their understanding of this class of business who have some experience of business interruption insurance.
The course will be highly interactive with delegate participation and engagement throughout. It consists of three units, two of which will be on-line sessions of up to 90 minutes each with a break of approximately 15 minutes between the two sessions.
There will be a maximum of 10 delegates.
The course is delivered by a Chartered Insurance Broker with over 40 years insurance experience.
What you will learn
Course Objectives
By the end of this course delegates will be able to
- explain in detail the workings of the standard gross profit, revenue and fees policy covers and definitions and explain how they work in practice to enable delegates to select the most appropriate cover for their clients
- provide a detailed explanation of the difference between Declaration Linked and traditional (sum insured) methods of arriving at a gross profit figure and recognise the advantages and disadvantages of both
- explain in detail the main features of a business that will affect the setting of an appropriate Maximum Indemnity Period
- detail what cover is available for damage occurring away from the client’s premises and identify the main extensions available
Course Content
- Unit 1 - Pre-course reading
- This course requires an element of pre-course reading (approximately 15 minutes) which will be tested during the first on-line session.
- Elements:
- Material damage provisio
- Types of Cover
- The Indemnity Perio
- The Maximum Indemnity Period
- Unit 2 – First On-Line Interactive Session
- Session up to 90 minutes
- Elements:
- Testing of pre-course reading and review of knowledge gaps
- The most appropriate cover for their clients
- Traditional methods compared with Declaration Linked
- Unit 3 – Second On-Line Interactive Session
- Session up to 90 minutes
- Elements:
- The main extensions
- Features affecting the setting of an appropriate Maximum Indemnity Period
- Claims Conditions