When you feel included and engaged, do you do a better job? Have you noticed the best ideas often come from unexpected sources? Do you want to work at the top of your intelligence and give the same opportunity to others?
In this practical one-day intensive online workshop, you’ll gain hands-on experience of Liberating Structures, which work just as well online as they do face-t-face. You will leave equipped with a rich and adaptable toolkit to unleash the creativity and talent of everyone in your team, work group, community, and organisation.
What you will learn
Course Overview
What You Will Learn
What are LiberatingStructures?
Liberating Structures(LS) are simple social technologies and tiny methods that disrupt conventionalpatterns in how we work together. Taken individually, each of the 33+methods changes the way results are generated by a group. As a repertoire ofcomplementary methods, they address many chronic challenges faced by groups.
When LS are introduced,many familiar approaches that people use all the time — presentations, opendiscussions, managed discussions, status reports, and brainstorms — become lessattractive or fade away. LS make it possible to immediately and productivelytap a group’s creative intelligence and generative potential. The precise andminimum way each LS is specified makes it possible for anyone to quickly startusing them. LS remove the mystery behind effective participatory leadership,group facilitation, and hosting dynamic processes. Prepare to be surprised!
Throughout this one day online workshop you’ll learn about the underlyingprinciples of Liberating Structures, how to introduce them in your own work,and hear stories about inventive ways people are applying them in diversesettings around the world.
Themes Covered
· Gainhands-on experience of at least 8 of the 33+ Liberating Structuresrepertoire
· Understandthe underlying micro-structural elements of Liberating Structures
· Hearfirst-hand field stories of practical applications of Liberating Structures inhealthcare, education, software development, community building
· Learnhow to design interventions and workshops by combining Liberating Structuresinto strings
· Explorehow to apply Liberating Structures in your own life and work at both small andlarge scales
· Learnhow to apply Liberating Structures in video conferences and virtual meetings