This course is the follow on to our ever popular loan documentation training programme that has run for more than ten years. The course will deal with the more structural and commercial side of the loan agreement and will give delegates more opportunities to practice making and responding to comments on the documents.
In three days the course will cover a substantial range of topics including structural issues, contractual support arrangements, key clauses in the loan agreement, the loan agreement in different commercial contexts and legal issues that arise in financing transactions.
The course will consist of a series of lectures and workshops that will provide you with a practical insight into dealing with the documentation of loans. By the end of the course you will be thoroughly familiar with the most important aspects of loan documentation.
What you will learn
Understand the essential elements of various loan transactions
Appreciate how to avoid the conflict between representations, conditions precedent, undertakings and events of default
Gain a thorough understanding of different forms of contractual support and their advantages and disadvantages as compared with claims in debt
Discuss a variety of issues and comments on the loan agreement which are commonly raised by borrowers
Improve your knowledge of other common financing documents including a contract assignment and a subordination agreement
Be able to negotiate key clauses in a financing package
Master the important legal issues which commonly arise in a financing transaction including trusts and fiduciary duties