Senior leaders and managers often have to present a concerted front in dealing with complex negotiation situations. Working as a team instead of as an individual involves different interpersonal skills. The other parties to such negotiations unconsciously observe body language and team dynamics which can help them look for opportunities to divide and conquer.
This highly participative and practical programme gives senior leaders and managers tools, confidence-building and personal behaviour management skills. We work with senior leaders and managers on current issues and build the programme to meet individual and team needs and issues. There will be ample time to practice what is being learned throughout the programme.
What you will learn
Day One
Individual and team dynamics in negotiations
Opportunities and barriers to effective negotiation
Using a simple structure to plan effective communication
How behaviour and personality influence the way people communicate
Win-Win; an introduction to transactional analysis
Using different styles of language to build rapport
Exercises and role-play of current situations
Use creative thinking to plan
Understanding why conflict is inevitable but can be positive
Day Two
Patterns of behaviour
Highlight the importance of body language
Conflict strategies -Develop the skills necessary to handle a variety of everyday confrontational situations
Identify the areas of potential causes of stress where you can "take control" and plan a positive course of action
Exercises and role-play of current situations
Turn positive action into positive habits & turn setbacks to your advantage
Take personal responsibility for what you know and what you need to find out and feedback.