One day.
Group Size
Maximum 8 learners
Who should attend
All persons who will be required by their employer to undertake the MLC technique as an advance warning vehicle driver on motorways and/or dual carriageways.
All learners MUST either hold a valid NHSS 12 TTMBC qualification or a valid NHSS12 qualification.
What you will learn
Course aims
To provide learners with the necessary knowledge to assist them in becoming a competent member of an MLC team.
Course Objectives:
On completion of the session learners will:
Understand the principles of Sector schemes, general health and safety at work, risk assessments and method statements associated with the mobile traffic management industry
Reference documentation relevant to the mobile lane closure technique.
Training and assessment requirements for mobile lane closure personnel.
Vehicle and Equipment specification
Communications roles and responsibilities
Mobile lane closure principles and practical techniques
The types of work that require full mobile lane closure techniques and the limitations