"This was a very interactive session that focused on relevant and tangible actions that can be employed to develop teams."
-Financial & Operational Audit Manager, BCBSNC
In this three-day seminar, attendees will learn audit leadership tools and techniques that will enhance their role as a leader, improve the performance of the audit team and boost its profile in the organization. We will take a hard look at the skills you currently possess and master strategies that will allow you to leverage your audit knowledge with proven tactics that will inspire and motivate your staff.
You will cover the essential practices of sound audit leadership, including modern goal-setting methods, effective coaching, establishing hiring practices that will attract the best people, leading productive team and departmental meetings and mastering the art of persuasion. You will hone your communication skills, both oral and written, and find new ways to help your team members reach their highest potential. Throughout this interactive seminar, you will use the tools you learn and receive constructive feedback from your instructor.
Prerequisite: Managing the Internal Audit Department (OAM401) or equivalent experience
Advance Preparation: None
Learning Level: Intermediate
Field: Auditing
Delivery Method: Group-Live
What you will learn
1. From Managing to Leading: Going the Distance
• analyzing and understanding your current strengths and weaknesses as an audit team leader
• manager vs. leader: differentiating the roles
• applying leadership concepts in simulated audit business cases
• the four stages of team development and what they mean to you
• techniques for making audit engagements more powerful
• attitude and morale definition: reinforcing the team ethic
• creating a climate for sustainable competitive achievement
• modeling and enforcing corporate values and personal integrity
• building a leadership style that creates trust, sets a clear vision and propels your team toward greatness
• inspiring action by building trusting relationships within your audit team and the whole organization
2. Essential Leadership and Management Skills
• modern goal setting techniques for you and your audit team
• defining and redefining audit’s corporate image in your company
• creating powerful team agreements with every member of your staff
• assessing the personality styles of your team members and how to work with them
• optimizing team productivity, evaluating team performance and measuring bottom-line results
• creating delegation techniques that will gauge the growth of your staff against the results of their efforts
• how to consistently demonstrate the connection of work (tactical) to success (strategy)
• how to be transparent and inspiring in executing planning
• how to convincingly handle peers and senior managers who are resistant to new ideas or change
• delegating generously and wisely; then staying out of the way
3. Hiring and Motivating Employees
• what real coaching is and how to build an extraordinary results-driven audit team
• establishing inter-colleague coaching to ensure advancements are validated
• designing deliberate feedback opportunities to get your feedback message delivered
• motivational skills: giving people a compelling reason to do their best
• approaches to setting direction, instructing, and training
• creating conflict management/resolution templates specific to Audit’s success
• getting more accomplished through your team
• achieving buy-in to critical initiatives through high-impact goal-setting
• developing the right set of skills to lead by example and do it well
• appreciating and assessing your teams’ learning styles
4. Time, Stress and Priorities
• establishing hiring practices to attract high-potential audit professionals
• choosing a team with impeccable, broad-based technical skills
• interviewing skills: getting the correct information from candidates
• ensuring continuous learning is rewarded
• incorporating measurable ROI-based training as a part of your relationships
• getting audit professionals on your team to follow your leadership, and collaborate with colleagues
• turning every audit manager on your team into a coach
• how professional development can improve Audit’s culture
• a systematic approach to effectively dealing with performance issues
• creating valuable and vibrant career plans to keep the people you want
5. Communication Skills, Team Building and Conflict Management
• leading powerful, productive departmental and interdepartmental audit meetings
• honing skills for participative and focused team meetings
• tips for displaying poise, confidence, and presence under public scrutiny
• facilitating decision-making processes to get work completed
• creating meeting format templates and streamlining accurate note-taking
• designing pre-meeting and post-meeting accountability tracking and deliverables
• problem solving and conflict resolution strategies
• becoming a catalyst for idea generation and tracking
• Successfully exploiting the value of competing viewpoints
• Insisting on and achieving data-based conclusions to all your Audit meetings
6. Common Management Mistakes
• designing and implementing audit mission statements
• assessing effective and ineffective writing styles
• reviewing and analyzing your own writing samples
• avoiding confusion, mixed messages, wasted time and frustrated followers
• practicing writing strategies and receive immediate feedback
• the most common business plan document errors and how to avoid them
• Formatting your document for high impact audit results
• crafting e-mail, letters, memos and reports to focus on your readers’ needs
• how to write in an authentic voice, be engaging, and truly connect with your stakeholders
• writing with clear authority no matter what the topic
7. Training and Mentoring Programs
• using conversation as a leadership tool
• speaking to audit staff about change: introduction, implementation and execution
• improving your client service with a review and analysis of your communication tools
• managing challenging behaviors, assuaging conflict, and gaining buy-in
• critiquing your listening skills and identifying opportunities for growth
• communication techniques to convey vision, values, expectations, decisions, and initiatives
• developing your cognitive and non-verbal skills through on-the-spot feedback
• being able to anticipate, handle, and move on from difficult conversations
• speaking passionately about your strategy or audit recommendations to any audience
• how to listen with intention and speak with integrity–even when facing challenges
8. Leading Change
• experimenting with strategies and methods of successful influence
• using power and influence appropriately to achieve Audit’s objectives
• identifying and assessing your preferred style of persuasion
• practicing techniques to persuade, market, and achieve measurable results
• developing an audit-specific protocol to market team skills and achievements to decision-makers
• working with your team’s resistance to change and how to turn it around
• integrating significant stakeholders in your company into the workflow of your audit team
• creating an action plan to chart and report on the development of your leadership skills
• finding ways to develop every person on your team
9. Global Auditing
• adapting to language barriers and the importance of knowing local languages
• awareness and sensitivity to the local cultural sensitivity
• accounting and legal differences
• professional proficiency
• things to consider when establishing local audit teams
• understanding travel requirements considerations and logistical information
• audit programs
• getting to know local practices and the potential risks
• resources