This one-day open workshop provides an introduction to the subjects of Contract Works, Contractors All Risks and Contractors Liability Insurance.
- The Subject of the Cover
- Risks and property insured
- The terms used
- The various ways cover can be arranged
- Contract Conditions
- JCT Standard Form of Contract
- Contractual obligation
- Insurance needed
- Contract works, liability, plant
- Contract Works Cover
- Typical Cover
- Usual exclusions and extensions
- Common alternatives
- Liability Cover
- Usual Cover
- Exclusions and extensions
- Rating risks
- Claims Handling
What you will learn
- Contract Works Insurance and the various ways cover is provided
- The usual content of Contract Works and Contractors Liability Insurance policies and the usual optional extras
- The insurance clauses within the JCT contract and the difference between contractual and insurance requirements
- The underwriting and claims processes